TSO-TSO Data Exchange
Revision History
Version | Release | Changed by | Date | Comments |
1 |
0 |
Bent Atle Bjørtomt |
2021-06-21 |
1 |
1 |
Bent Atle Bjørtomt |
2021-07-14-21 |
1 |
2 |
Bent Atle Bjørtomt |
2021-11-08 |
1 |
1 |
Bent Atle Bjørtomt |
2021-12-23 |
1. Data model and dependencies
These data objects are developed in this iteration.
Definitions of flows and other classifications
Definition | Description |
<Message> |
<Business need> <Aggregation level> <Exchange between> |
Activation - aFRR |
Activation - mFRR Balancing |
Activation - mFRR System |
Activation - Period Shift |
Forecast Conform load |
Forecast Non-conform Load |
Forecast Total Consumption |
mFRR Bid (Activation and Acknowledgement) |
mFRR Period Shift Need |
mFRR Request |
Plan- FCR-D down |
Plan- FCR-D up |
Plan- FCR-N |
Plan - Production |
Plan - Production Adjustment |
Plan - Production Smoothing |
Request |
2. Requirements
This section contain Business requirements(BR), the DE-prefix is the name for Data Exchange.
Requirements | |||||
Req.No. |
Message |
Sending frequency |
Resolution |
Period |
Comments |
DE-BR-1 |
Event |
PT1M(Possible PT5M) |
24 Hours |
Event driven- when a an activation is done. |
DE-BR-2 |
Event |
PT1M(Possible PT5M) |
24 Hours |
DE-BR-3 |
Event, each 15 Min. |
PT1M(Possible PT5M) |
24 Hours |
DE-BR-4 |
. |
Not to be implemented. |
DE-BR-5 |
. |
DE-BR-6 |
. |
DE-BR-7 |
Event |
Event based and periodic. |
DE-BR-8 |
. |
Periodic: At least each 15 min, but not more often than each 1 minute for 99% of QH for a day. |
DE-BR-9 |
DE-BR-10 |
DE-BR-11 |
Periodic: At least each 15 min, but not more often than each 1 minute for 99% of QH for day. |
DE-BR-12 |
DE-BR-13 |
DE-BR-14 |
Event,when Imbalance forecast is updated |
PT15M |
2 Hours |
Consumers: |
DE-BR-15 |
Event, when Imbalance forecast is updated |
PT15M |
2 Hours |
Period, sending frequency are dependent of Imbalance. |
Technical Requirements?
3. Document-, process-,Business-, reason-types.
A - Activations: Activation is ordered from TSOs after gate closure for Intra Day (ID) marked.
P- Plans: It is the BSPs / BRPs plans until gate closure for ID.
Processs P - Plan A -Activation F -Forecast | Data Object | Schema | Message Type | Description | Process Type | Description | Business Type | Description | flowDirection | AssetType | Reason Code | Resolution |
Activations Total |
A |
mFRR Balancing |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument. |
A10 |
Regulation data Report |
A47 |
Manual frequency restoration reserve |
A97 |
Manual frequency restoration reserve |
B49 - FRR-M, Balancing (NO: Ordinary regulation) + Either Z54 Activation by AOF (Activation Optimisation Function) AOF is a function to operate the algorithm applied for the optimisation of the activation of Balancing Energy bids within a Coordinated Balancing Area. or Z55 Manual (Local) activation not based on AOF |
PT1M |
A |
mFRR System |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument. |
A10 |
Regulation data Report. |
A47 |
Manual frequency restoration reserve |
A97 |
Manual frequency restoration reserve |
B22= System Regulation + Either Z54 Activation by AOF (Activation Optimisation Function) AOF is a function to operate the algorithm applied for the optimisation of the activation of Balancing Energy bids within a Coordinated Balancing Area. or Z55 Manual (Local) activation not based on AOF |
PT1M |
A |
Period Shift |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument. |
A10 |
Regulation data Report. |
A47 |
Manual frequency restoration reserve |
Z93 |
Production adjustment |
Z34 FRR-M, Quarter regulation |
PT1M |
A |
aFRR |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument. |
A10 |
Regulation data Report |
A51 |
Automatic frequency restoration reserve |
A96 |
Automatic frequency restoration reserve |
PT1M |
P |
lannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument |
A15 |
Acquiring System Operator Reserve Schedule |
A52 |
Frequency containment reserve |
C26 |
Frequency Containment Reserve-Normal (FCR-N) |
A03 - UP and DOWN |
PT5M |
P |
FCR-D up |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument |
A15 |
Acquiring System Operator Reserve Schedule |
A52 |
Frequency containment reserve |
C27 |
Frequency Containment Reserve-Disturbance (FCR-D) |
A01 -UP |
PT5M |
P |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument |
A15 |
Acquiring System Operator Reserve Schedule |
A52 |
Frequency containment reserve |
C27 |
Frequency Containment Reserve-Disturbance (FCR-D) |
A02-DOWN |
PT5M |
P |
Production-Plan |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument |
A03 |
Balance area schedule |
A17 |
Schedule day |
A01 |
Production |
A01- B24, see link |
PT5M |
P |
Production Adjustment |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument |
A03 |
Balance area schedule |
A17 |
Schedule day |
A01 |
Production |
#A01 - B24, see link |
Z36 (Hour Change Regulation) |
PT5M |
P |
Production Smoothing |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument |
A03 |
Balance area schedule |
A17 |
Schedule day |
A01 |
Production |
A01 - B24, see link |
Z39 - Day Ahead Production Adjustment |
PT5M |
Schedule(plan) |
Prod+adjustment+smoothing |
F |
Total Consumption Forecast |
Schedule_MarketDocument |
A03 |
Balance area schedule |
A14 |
Forecast - The data contained in the document are to be handled in short, medium, long term forecasting process. |
A04 |
Consumption |
PT5M |
F |
Conform Load Forecast |
Schedule_MarketDocument |
A03 |
Balance area schedule |
A14 |
Forecast - The data contained in the document are to be handled in short, medium, long term forecasting process. |
Z96 |
Conform load schedule |
PT5M |
F |
Non-conform Load Forecast |
Schedule_MarketDocument |
A03 |
Balance area schedule |
A14 |
Forecast - The data contained in the document are to be handled in short, medium, long term forecasting process. |
Z95 |
Non-conform load schedule |
PT5M |
4. Clarifications:
See Production-Plan:
Z34 (Quarter regulation) = Production adjustment ( NO:Produksjonsflytting, SE:)
Z39 (Day Ahead Production Adjustment) =Production smoothing (NO: Produksjonsglatting, SE:)
5. Terms and Definitions
Acronym | Term | Definition | Additional description | Ref. |
Agreed supportive power |
HVDC- Bjørg |
aFFR |
Automatic frequency restoration reserves |
FRR that can be activated by an automatic control device designed to reduce the Frequency Restoration Control Error (FRCE) to zero. |
Entso-e |
Activation Optimisation Function |
Conform load forecast |
conform load forecast |
ConformLoadSchedule:*A curve of load versus time (X-axis) showing the active power values (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) for each unit of the period covered. This curve represents a typical pattern of load over the time period for a given day type and season. |
Directly Activated Tertiary Control Reserve |
DATCR can be activated at any time, independent from a time-frame of exchange schedules. It is activated by manual action at any time and may also include call-up reserve contracts between TSOs. In this case, the activation procedure results in a dynamically changing exchange pattern. In Denmark (??for emergency in DK2), Finland, Norway and Sweden the DATCR type is used for activations in the Balance regulation market. Except for emergency in DK2, Denmark uses SATCR. |
NMEG/Ediel |
Energy Management System |
IEC-60870-6-503 |
FCR-D Up |
Frequency Containment Reserve-Disturbance |
FCR-D is a reserve that is automatically activated when the frequency falls below 49.90 Hz after an imbalance. |
Entso-e |
Frequency Containment Reserve-Normal |
FCR-N is a reserve that is automatically activated in both directions around a set point when the frequency varies between 50.10 Hz and 49.90 Hz after an imbalance. |
Entso-e |
Manufacturing Message Specification |
IEC-60870-6-503 |
non-conform load forecast |
non-conform load forecast |
NonConformLoadSchedules: Loads that do not follow a daily and seasonal load variation pattern. |
A good example of non-conform consumption: Norsk Sluttstrøm. |
mFRR |
Manual frequency restoration reserves |
Active power reserves that may be manually activated, available to restore system frequency to the nominal frequency and, for a synchronous area consisting of more than one LFC area, to restore power balance to the scheduled value. |
Entso-e |
Schedule Activated Tertiary Control Reserve |
SATCR is activated with relation to the predefined time-frame of exchange schedules, e.g. 15 minutes. A special exchange scheduling procedure is used. It may include exchange rescheduling between TSOs, a special kind of exchange schedule is used. |
NMEG/Ediel |
6. Modified PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument
There is a need to identify the bid type, and then is intended to use Class Reason code in connection with the TimeSeries.
Preliminarysuggestion NMEG / CIM-EG:
Support for Reason Code in connection to TimeSeries.
mktPSERType to support the indication of energy source, see asset list below.
7. Asset Codes / Production Type
Which is specified in the mktPSERType attribute. This is just some of them, please see ENTSOE Codelist for more.
For Locale solution this is on acceptable level, but for NBM we need to apply for more generic ones.
Javaklasse (TBD-remove) | Engelsk (MMS skal tilby via API) | Catergory | ENTSOE/NMEG |
AvkoplingsbarforbrukProduksjonstype |
DecoupleableConsumption |
DecoupleableConsumption or other/unspecified?→LOAD |
A05 |
BølgekraftProduksjonstype |
Wave |
Wave |
Z08 |
ForbrukProduksjonstype |
Consumption |
Consumption or other/unspecified? LOAD |
A05 |
GasturbinDieselProduksjonstype |
GasTurbineDiesel |
GAS or Diesel? ?Fossil Gas |
B04 |
IndustriforbrukProduksjonstype |
IndustrialConsumption |
IndustrialConsumption or other/Unespecified? →LOAD |
A05 |
KjernekraftProduksjonstype |
Nuclear |
Nuclear |
B14 |
PumpeProduksjonstype |
Pump |
Hydro Pump |
B10 |
SmåkraftProduksjonstype |
SmallPowerPlant |
Hydro Run-of-river and pondage |
B11 |
SolenergiProduksjonstype |
Sun |
Solar |
B16 |
UkjentProduksjonstype |
Unknown |
Unspecified ? Generation |
A04 |
UspesifisertProduksjonstype |
Unspecified |
Unspecified ? Generation |
A04 |
UspesifisertUtlandProduksjonstype |
UnspecifiedExternal |
Unspecified ? Generation |
A04 |
VannkraftProduksjonstype |
Hydro |
Hydro Water Reservoir |
B12 |
VarmekraftProduksjonstype |
Thermal |
Thermal |
Z04 |
VindkraftProduksjonstype |
Wind |
B18 Wind Offshore A resource using Wind Offshore for energy. B19 Wind Onshore? Wind |
Z05 |
8. New Codes
New and rephrased codes.
8.1. Reason Codes:
Reason code to identify if activation is done by AOF or manually :
Z54 | Activation by AOF (Activation Optimisation Function) | AOF is a function to operate the algorithm applied for the optimisation of the activation of Balancing Energy bids within a Coordinated Balancing Area. |
Z55 |
Manual (Local) activation not based on AOF |
Activation is done locally (manual) without use of AOF. AOF is a function to operate the algorithm applied for the optimisation of the activation of Balancing Energy bids within a Coordinated Balancing Area. |
8.2. Business Types:
NBM/Fifty asks for new Business Types for*Consumption Plans, i.e. Conform and Non-conform. Currently Business Type *A04 Consumption (Total Consumption) is used.
Z95 | Non-conform load schedule | Non-Conform Load Schedule: Loads that do not follow a daily and seasonal load variation pattern. |
Z96 |
Conform load schedule |
Conform Load Schedule: A curve of load versus time (X-axis) showing the active power values (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) for each unit of the period covered. This curve represents a typical pattern of load over the time period for a given day type and season. |
8.3. mFFR BID
8.3.1. Period Shift in Bid document from BSP:
We need to clarify all codes need to support Period Shift. Periods Shift will be for either and/or T-5 and T+5. TBD (E.L - please provide your drawing more explanation)
original_MarketProduct.marketProductType | New codes | Used when the bid has been converted into a standard product: | Condition if it is converted e.g from T-12,5 to T-3. | May be used | Conditional | [0..1] |
A02 = Specific product |
Condition if it is converted e.g from T-12,5 to T-3. |
A03 = Integrated scheduling process |
Condition if it is converted e.g from T-12,5 to T-3. |
Associated multipart and exclusive bids must have the same value. |
The Bid support Period Shift regulation in beginning of the period |
The Bid support Period Shift regulation in end of the period |
The Bid support Period Shift regulation can be used both in the beginning and end of the period. |
Just to be used for only Period Shift. |
8.4. Message Definitions
Message definitions and document versions
Dataobject | Document | Schema version |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument. |
6.2 |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument. |
6.2 |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument. |
6.2 |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument. |
6.2 |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument. |
6.2 |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument. |
6.2 |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument. |
6.2 |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument |
6.2 |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument |
6.2 |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument |
6.2 |
Schedule_MarketDocument |
5.2 |
Schedule_MarketDocument |
5.2 |
Schedule_MarketDocument |
5.2 |
ReserveBid_MarketDocument |
7.2 |
ReserveBid_MarketDocument |
7.2 |
Additional documents (not a part of this process) |
ReserveBid_MarketDocument |
7.2(NBM) |
Acknowledgement_MarketDocument |
8.1 |
AreaConfiguration_MarketDocument |
1.1 |