Entry Criteria - Objective requirements on data exchange

Table of Contents

1. For ACE OL for situational awareness

1.1. ACE OL (point value)

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Sent periodically every 10-12 seconds.

Value sent not older than 30 seconds after flow is measured.

Criterion: Accuracy

According to ACE OL memo Calculation methodology.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision between 1 MW and 10 MW (up to TSO).

Criterion: Availability

Sent each 10-12 seconds for at least 98% of time for each QH.

Data sent at least 99,9% per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Covered by "ACE OL (historic)"

Criterion: Credibility

Covered by "ACE OL (historic)"

2. For mFRR request for situational awareness

2.1. mFRR request

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based and periodic.

Sent periodically every 5 minutes with values for up to 2 hours with a resolution on 15 minutes.

Sent as soon as possible in the event of new calculation of mFRR request outside the regular 5-minute interval, but not more often than each 1 minute.

Criterion: Accuracy

No quantitative requirement on data element. Measured with rest-imbalance.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision between 1 MW and 10 MW (up to TSO).

Criterion: Availability

Data sent at least 99,7% per week. This is equivalent to an aggregated unavailability of 30 minutes per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data is delivered for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility

Post analysis of rest imbalance.

3. For Synchronous Area ACE OL for situational awareness

3.1. FCR plan (to calculate FCR regulations)

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based and periodic.

Sent periodically every day before 22:00 D-1.

Event based if updated. Not more often than each 1 min.

Criterion: Accuracy

Data shall be as provided from original source. No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of days in a year.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


3.2. mFRR activations with balancing purpose

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based and periodic.

Sent periodically every 5 minutes.

As soon as possible after activation, but not more often than each 1 min.

Criterion: Accuracy

No explicit requirement.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent at least each 5 min for 99,9% of time for each day.

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist in reporting solution for all 1 min values where there has been activation for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


3.3. Exchanged mFRR regulation to DK1

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based and periodic.

Sent periodically every 5 minutes.

Not more often than each 1 min.

Criterion: Accuracy

Covered by criteria Completeness and Credibility.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent at least each 5 minutes for 99,9% of time for each day.

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist in reporting solution for all 1 min values where there has been activation for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


3.4. aFRR activations

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Sent periodically every 10 seconds.

Value no older than 10 seconds.

Criterion: Accuracy

No explicit requirement.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent at least each 10 seconds for 98% of time for each QH.

Data delivered according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist in reporting solution for all 1 min values where there has been activation for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


3.5. Sum of other balancing activation (that goes into local ACE OL calculation)

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based and periodic.

Sent periodically every 5 minutes.

Sent as soon as possible after activaton, but not more often than each 1 min.

Criterion: Accuracy

No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability

Sent at least each 5 minutes for 99,9% of time for each day.

Sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist in reporting solution for all 1 min values where there has been activation for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


4. For Planning Table Data

4.1. Consumption forecast per bidding area

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Sent periodically every 15 minutes with values for at least 5 hours ahead with a resolution at 5 or 15 minutes.

Criterion: Accuracy

No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision between 1 MW and 10 MW (up to TSO).

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility

Weekly post analyses show that data are without spikes due to data quality. TSOs should analyze forecast quality in local solutions.

4.2. Production plans per bidding area

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Sent periodically every 15 minutes with values for at least 5 hours ahead with a resolution at 5 or 15 minutes.

Criterion: Accuracy

Data shall be as provided from original source. No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

n/a (according to market design).

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


4.3. Production forecast for wind, (run-of-river and solar) per bidding area

Criterion: Timeliness Sent periodically every 15 minutes with values for at least 5 hours ahead with a resolution at 5 or 15 minutes.

Criterion: Accuracy

No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility

Weekly post analyses show that data are without spikes due to data quality. TSOs should analyze forecast quality in local solutions.

4.4. Planned exchange per bidding zone connection/border

Criterion: Timeliness Event based. Sent less than 5 minutes after TSO received updated data for energy exchange but not more often than each 1 minute.

Criterion: Accuracy

Covered by criteria Completeness and Credibility.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 1 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility

Weekly post analyses show that data are without spikes due to data quality.

5. For Common Merit Order List

5.1. Bids for whole day with attributes and status: available, unavailable

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based and periodic.

Sent periodically every 15 minutes.

Sent as soon as bids are updated. Will be measured using less than 3 minutes after bid GCT. Not sent more often than each 1 min.

Criterion: Accuracy

Except for setting bid to unavailable according to rules, data shall be as provided from original source. No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

n/a (according to market design)

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based.

Sent more than 3 min before activation time. Activation time is midpoint of ramp, the same time as sent to BSP as activation time. Not sent more often than each 1 min.

Criterion: Accuracy

Covered by criteria Completeness and Credibility.

Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99,9% of activations per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist in reporting solution for all 1 min values where there has been activation for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


6. For plan and measured flow

6.1. Planned flow for bidding area corridor in the SA and in to/out from SA

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based.

Sent less than 3 minutes after TSO received updated data for energy exchange. Not more often than each 1 min.

Criterion: Accuracy

Covered by criteria Completeness and Credibility.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria for 99,9% updates for a day.

Data delivered according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 1 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


6.2. Measured flow for bidding area corridor in the SA and in to/out from SA – point value

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Periodically sent every 10 seconds. Value no older than 10 seconds after flow is measured.

Criterion: Accuracy

Data shall have quality flag to indicate accuracy according to Appendix 1: Use of data quality labels.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 98% of time for each QH.

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 10 seconds values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


6.3. Measured flow for bidding area corridor in the SA and in to/out from SA – historic value

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

No quality requirement, point value is the important one.

Criterion: Accuracy

Covered by criteria Completeness and Credibility.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability


Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 10 second values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility

Weekly post analyses shows that data are without spikes due to data quality.

include::mfrr-atc-rest-day.adoc[] ATC for rest of the day

7. For scheduled activation in AOF

7.1. Bids for next scheduled run

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based or periodic.

Last update sent at least 1 minute before GCT, but not more often than each 1 minute.

Criterion: Accuracy

Except for setting bid to unavailable according to rules, data shall be as provided from original source. No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

n/a (according to market design).

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Data received 99,9% of QHs per week at GCT.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


7.2. ATC for 4 quarter hour

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based or periodic.

Last update sent more than 1 minute before GCT for the next 4 quarter hour, but not more often than each 1 minute.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Data received 99,9% of QHs per week at GCT.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


7.3. mFRR request for 4 quarter hours

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based or periodic.

mFRR Request for next QH available in AOF before GCT, sent up to 4 quaters ahead, and no more often than each 1 minute.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision between 1 MW and 10 MW (up to TSO).

Criterion: Availability

Data sent 99,9% of QHs per week before GCT.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


7.4. Activated bids (MOL document)

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based.

Sent to TSO 60 seconds before TSO shall receive it (13 minutes before QH shift).

Criterion: Accuracy

Covered by criterion Completeness and Credibility.

Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 98% of QH per day.

Data sent to TSO within time limit for at least 99,9% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility

High-level validation through bid selection sanity check.

7.5. Cross border schedule

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based.

Sent to TSO 60 seconds before TSO shall receive it (13 minutes before QH shift).

Criterion: Accuracy

Covered by criteria Completeness and Credibility.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 98% of QH per day.

Data sent to TSO within time limit for at least 99,9% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility

High-level validation through bid selection sanity check.

7.6. Clearing Prices

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based.

Sent to TSO 60 seconds before TSO shall receive it (13 minutes before QH shift)..

Criterion: Accuracy

Covered by criteria Completeness and Credibility.

Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 98% of QH per day.

Data sent to TSO within time limit for at least 99,9% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility

High-level validation through bid selection sanity check.

7.7. Remaining ATC

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based.

Sent to TSO 60 seconds before TSO shall receive it (13 minutes before QH shift)..

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 98% of QH per day.

Data sent to TSO within time limit for at least 99,9% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


7.8. Net positions

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based.

Sent to TSO 60 seconds before TSO shall receive it (13 minutes before QH shift).

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 98% of QH per day.

Data sent to TSO within time limit for at least 99,9% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


8. For price calculation

8.1. Bids for whole day with attributes and status: available, unavailable

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Sent periodically every 15 minutes no later than 2 minutes after end of QH.

Criterion: Accuracy

Except for setting bid to unavailable according to rules, data shall be as provided from original source. No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

n/a (according to market design)

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Sent periodically every 15 minutes no later than 2 minutes after end of QH.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

n/a (according to market design)

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


8.3. Price information from TSO

This includes two messages: One for SA and one for DA.

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based immediately after each bid selection run


periodically every 15 minutes not later than 2 minutes after end of QH.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

n/a (according to market design)

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


8.4. Calculated prices: Imbalance

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

Sent periodically 10 minutes after end of ISP.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

n/a (according to market design)

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of ISPs per week.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


8.5. Calculated prices: Cross Border Marginal Price

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

Sent periodically 10 minutes after end of ISP.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

n/a (according to market design)

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of ISPs per week.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


8.6. Day-ahead prices

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

Received periodically before 22:00 D-1 every day.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

n/a (according to market design)

Criterion: Availability

Data received according to timeliness criteria 99% of days in a year.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


9. For transparency reporting

9.1. Transparency reporting – EBGL Article 12.3.b – Procured balancing energy

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

Sent no later than 30 minutes after the end of the relevant market time unit.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria more than 98 % of MTU per month.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


9.2. Transparency reporting – EBGL Article 12.3.c – Information on bid conversion

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

No later than 30 min after the end of the relevant market time unit.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria more than 98 % of MTU per month.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


9.3. Transparency reporting – EBGL Article 12.3.e – Aggregated balancing energy bids

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

No later than 30 min after the end of the relevant market time unit.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria more than 98 % of MTU per month.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


9.4. Transparency reporting – 17.1.F/17.2.E Prices paid by the TSO for activated balancing energy

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

No later than 1 hour after the operating period.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria more than 98 % of MTU per month.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


9.5. Transparency reporting - 17.1.G/17.2.F Imbalance prices per balancing time unit

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

No later than 1 hour after the operating period.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria more than 98 % of MTU per month.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


9.6. Transparency reporting - Extensions to DDD for TP: Netted volumes and net positions

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

No later than 30 minutes after the end of the MTU period.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria more than 98 % of MTU per month.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


9.7. Transparency reporting - ISH 9(7): Additional components to imbalance settlement price

Producer CSP

Criterion: Timeliness

No later than publication of the final imbalance settlement price.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria more than 98 % of MTU per month.

Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


10. Satisfied demand as input to calculate rest imbalance

10.1. Satisfied demand

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based.

Sent as soon as possible in the event of new result of bid selection for balancing purpose (scheduled, direct and non-standard).

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision between 1 MW and 10 MW (up to TSO).

Criterion: Availability

Data sent at least 99,7% per week. This is equivalent to an aggregated unavailability of 30 minutes per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analysis shows that data is delivered for all requests in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility

Post analysis compared with activated bids.

11. Reserve calculation

11.1. Procured reserves in aFRR CM for each bidding zone

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based and periodic.

Sent periodically every day before 22:00 D-1.

Event based if updated. Not more often than each 1 min.

Criterion: Accuracy

Data shall be as provided from original source. No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of days in a year.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


11.2. Procured reserves in mFRR CM for each bidding zone

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based and periodic.

Sent periodically every day before 22:00 D-1.

Event based if updated. Not more often than each 1 min.

Criterion: Accuracy

Data shall be as provided from original source. No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of days in a year.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


11.3. FRR reserves requirement for each bidding zone, separate for disturbance and balancing

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based if updated.

Criterion: Accuracy


Criterion: Precision


Criterion: Availability


Criterion: Completeness


Criterion: Credibility


12. For status information

[[For status information]]

12.1. Status information

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based. Sent immediately when triggered (either from automated process at TSO or as a result from operator action).

Criterion: Accuracy

According to specification in chapter 7.

Criterion: Precision


Criterion: Availability


Criterion: Completeness

A yellow or red status message shall always be updated with green status message when situation is back to normal

Criterion: Credibility


See also chapter 7, ref: Status info to be exchanged.

13. For purposes not defined as an entry criteria

13.1. ACE OL (historic)

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Sent periodically every 3 minutes with values for the last 6 minutes with a resolution on 10 seconds.

Sent periodic every 2 hours with values for the last 3 hours with a resolution on 10 seconds.

Criterion: Accuracy

Covered by criteria Completeness and Credibility.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision between 1 MW and 10 MW (up to TSO).

Criterion: Availability

No quality requirement, point value is the important one.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data is delivered for all 10 second values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility

Weekly post analyses show that data are without spikes due to data quality.

13.2. Imbalance forecast

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based and periodic.

Sent periodically every 5 minutes with values for the next two hours.

Sent as soon as possible in the event of new calculation of imbalance forecast outside the regular 5-minute interval, but not more often than each 1 minute.

Criterion: Accuracy

Data shall have quality flag to indicate accuracy according to Appendix 1: Use of data quality labels.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision between 1 MW and 10 MW (up to TSO).

Criterion: Availability

Data sent at least 99,7% per week. This is equivalent to an aggregated unavailability of 30 minutes per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data is delivered for all 5-minute values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility

Post analysis for quality of imbalance forecast for different time horizon of the forecast.

13.3. Period shift activation need

Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Event based and periodic.

Sent periodically every 5 minutes with values for up to the next 2 hours with a resolution on 15 minutes.

Sent as soon as possible in the event of new calculation of mFRR request outside the regular 5-minute interval, but not more often than each 1 minute.

Criterion: Accuracy

No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision between 1 MW and 10 MW (up to TSO).

Criterion: Availability

Data sent at least 99,7% per week. This is equivalent to an aggregated unavailability of 30 minutes per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data is delivered for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility

Post analysis of rest imbalance.

Appendix A: Status info to be exchanged

ref: Converted from chapter 7 of the Entry criteria document.


Main category

Sub categroy

Severity indicator


Data quality or IT malfunction


yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

Imbalance forecast

yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

mFRR request

yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction


yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

Bid mgmt, incl filtering

yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

Proactive congestion mgmt

yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

Common bid selection



Data quality or IT malfunction

Common bid selection



Data quality or IT malfunction

Common bid selection

reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

Local bid selection

yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

TSO-TSO data exchange

yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

Electronic order activation

yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

Health check communication

yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

Reactive congestion mgmt

yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

Measured flow

yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

Fully manual fall-back

yellow/red/reset to normal


Data quality or IT malfunction

Malfunction in HVDC planning tool

yellow/red/reset to normal


Incident affecting balancing

aFRR is not available

yellow/reset to normal


Incident affecting balancing

Consumption uncoupling



Incident affecting balancing

Consumption recoupling

reset to normal


Incident affecting balancing

Low mFRR bid volume compared to mFRR demand

red/reset to normal


Incident in grid

Loss of HVDC

yellow/reset to normal


Incident in grid

Major production outage

<set by operator>


Incident in grid

Major consumption outage

<set by operator>


Incident in grid

Major line trips

<set by operator>


Incident in grid

Other critical grid situation

<set by operator>


Incident in grid

"TSO in ""island mode"" "

yellow/red/reset to normal


Incident in grid

Extreme weather conditions

yellow/red/reset to normal


System state

Alert: Reserve situation



System state

Alert: Frequency



System state

Alert: Violation of operational security limits



System state

Emergency: Violation of operational security limits



System state

Emergency: Frequency



System state

Emergency: Activated measure in defence plan



System state

Emergency: Failure in tools, means and facilities



System state

Blackout: Loss of demand



System state

Blackout: Absence of voltage



System state

Restoration: Activated measures of restoration plan.



System state


reset to normal


General info

<set by operator>