Planned Flow Intraday TSO
Object model for Planned Flow Intraday TSO
Version : |
Level |
Attribute name |
Value |
Attribute type |
Description |
Card. |
+ |
Group: Schedule_MarketDocument |
+ |
mRID |
ID_String |
The unique identification of the document being exchanged within a business process flow. |
[1..1] |
+ |
revisionNumber |
ESMPVersion_String |
The identification of the version that distinguishes one evolution of a document from another. |
[1..1] |
+ |
type |
A30 |
MessageKind_String |
The coded type of a document. The document type describes the principal characteristic of the document. NBM : A30 = Cross border schedule |
1..1 |
+ |
process.processType |
A39 |
ProcessKind_String |
The identification of the nature of process that the document addresses. --- The process dealt with in the document. NBM : A39 = Synchronisation process |
1..1 |
+ |
process.classificationType |
A02 |
ClassificationKind_String |
The classification mechanism used to group a set of objects together within a business process. The grouping may be of a detailed or a summary nature. --- The process dealt with in the document. NBM: A02 = Summary Type |
1..1 |
+ |
sender_MarketParticipant.mRID |
PartyID_String |
The identification of a party in the energy market. --- Document owner. |
[1..1] |
+ |
sender_MarketParticipant.marketRole.type |
A04 |
MarketRoleKind_String |
The identification of the role played by a market player. --- Document owner. --- The role associated with a MarketParticipant. NBM: A04 = System Operator |
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+ |
receiver_MarketParticipant.mRID |
50V000000000241J |
PartyID_String |
The identification of a party in the energy market. --- Document recipient. NBM: 50V000000000241J (NAP). |
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+ |
receiver_MarketParticipant.marketRole.type |
A33 |
MarketRoleKind_String |
The identification of the role played by a market player. --- Document recipient. --- The role associated with a MarketParticipant. NBM: A33 = Information receiver. |
1..1 |
+ |
createdDateTime |
ESMP_DateTime |
The date and time of the creation of the document. |
[1..1] |
+ |
schedule_Time_Period.timeInterval |
ESMP_DateTimeInterval |
The start and end date and time for a given interval. --- This information provides the start and end date and time of the schedule time interval. All time intervals for the time series in the document shall be within the total time interval for the schedule. The receiver will discard any time intervals outside the schedule period. |
[1..1] |
+ |
domain.mRID |
AreaID_String |
The unique identification of the domain. --- The identification of the domain that is covered in the schedule document. It is in general the market balance area that is the subject of the schedule plan. |
[1..1] |
+ |
subject_MarketParticipant.mRID |
PartyID_String |
The identification of a party in the energy market. --- The party that is the subject of the documents time series. |
[0..1] |
+ |
subject_MarketParticipant.marketRole.type |
MarketRoleKind_String |
The identification of the role played by a market player. --- The party that is the subject of the documents time series. --- The role associated with a MarketParticipant. |
[0..1] |
+ |
matching_Time_Period.timeInterval |
ESMP_DateTimeInterval |
The start and end date and time for a given interval. --- This information provides the start and end date and time of the period to be matched. The matching period start date and time shall begin at the start of the schedule time interval or be within the bounds of the schedule time interval. The matching period end date and time shall be the same as that of the schedule time interval. It is this period that is being presented for matching. The period prior to the matching period is generally considered to be historical data and should correspond to the information received in previous transmissions. |
[0..1] |
++ |
Group: (Class: TimeSeries) |
The identification of the role played by a market player. --- Document recipient. --- The role associated with a MarketParticipant. NBM: A33 = Information receiver. |
++ |
mRID |
ID_String |
A unique identification of the time series. |
[1..1] |
++ |
version |
ESMPVersion_String |
The identification of the version of the time series. |
[1..1] |
++ |
businessType |
B09 |
BusinessKind_String |
The identification of the nature of the time series. NBM: B09 = Net Position |
1..1 |
++ |
product |
8716867000016 |
EnergyProductKind_String |
The identification of the nature of an energy product such as power, energy, reactive power, etc. NBM: 8716867000016 = active power |
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++ |
objectAggregation |
A01 |
ObjectAggregationKind_String |
The identification of the object (party, domain, etc.) that is the common denominator used to aggregate a time series. NBM: A01 = Area |
1..1 |
++ |
in_Domain.mRID |
AreaID_String |
The unique identification of the domain. --- The area where the product is being delivered. |
[0..1] |
++ |
out_Domain.mRID |
AreaID_String |
The unique identification of the domain. --- The area where the product is being extracted. |
[0..1] |
++ |
marketEvaluationPoint.mRID |
MeasurementPointID_String |
A unique identification of the measurement point. --- The identification of the location where one or more products are metered. This may be one physical location or the combination of several points together. The identification of a measurement point associated with a TimeSeries. |
[0..1] |
++ |
in_MarketParticipant.mRID |
PartyID_String |
The identification of a party in the energy market. --- The identification of the party putting the product into the in area. |
[0..1] |
++ |
out_MarketParticipant.mRID |
PartyID_String |
The identification of a party in the energy market. --- The identification of the party taking the product out of the out area. |
[0..1] |
++ |
marketAgreement.type |
A07 |
CapacityContractKind_String |
The specification of the kind of the agreement, e.g. long term, daily contract. --- The identification of an agreement associated with a time series. NBM A07 = Intraday |
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++ |
marketAgreement.mRID |
ID_String |
The unique identification of the agreement. --- The identification of an agreement associated with a time series. |
[0..1] |
++ |
connectingLine_RegisteredResource.mRID |
ResourceID_String |
The unique identification of a resource. In the ESMP context, the "model authority" is defined as an authorized issuing office that provides an agreed identification coding scheme for market participant, domain, measurement point, resources (generator, lines, substations, etc.) identification. Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is globally unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID for the mRID. It is strongly recommended to do this. For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements. --- The identification of a resource associated with a TimeSeries. |
[0..1] |
++ | |
MeasurementUnitKind_String |
The identification of the formal code for a measurement unit (UN/ECE Recommendation 20). --- The unit of measurement used for the quantities expressed within the time series. |
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++ |
curveType |
A01 |
CurveType_String |
The identification of the coded representation of the type of curve being described. NBM: A01 = Sequential Fixed Size Blocks |
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+++ |
Group: (Class: Series_Period) |
The identification of the coded representation of the type of curve being described. NBM: A01 = Sequential Fixed Size Blocks |
+++ |
timeInterval |
ESMP_DateTimeInterval |
The start and end time of the period. |
[1..1] |
+++ |
resolution |
PT15M |
Duration |
The definition of the number of units of time that compose an individual step within a period. NBM: PT15M |
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++++ |
Group: Point |
Point |
Point |
The Point information associated with a given Series_Period.within a TimeSeries. |
[1..*] |
++++ |
position |
Position_Integer |
A sequential value representing the relative position within a given time interval. |
[1..1] |
++++ |
quantity |
Decimal |
The principal quantity identified for a point. |
[1..1] |
+++++ |
Group: Reason |
Reason |
Reason |
At the Point level the reason code is used to identify the nature of a curtailment that has been imposed on the specified quantity. The Reason information associated with a Point providing motivation information. |
[0..*] |
+++++ |
code |
ReasonCode_String |
The motivation of an act in coded form. |
[1..1] |
+++++ |
text |
ReasonText_String |
The textual explanation corresponding to the reason code. |
[0..1] |
+++ |
Group: (Class: Reason) |
The identification of the coded representation of the type of curve being described. NBM: A01 = Sequential Fixed Size Blocks |
+++ |
code |
ReasonCode_String |
The motivation of an act in coded form. NBM: B49 = Balancing B22 = System |
1..1 |
+++ |
text |
ReasonText_String |
The textual explanation corresponding to the reason code. |
[0..1] |