Imbalance Prices TSO
Object model for Imbalance Prices TSO
Version : |
Level |
Attribute name |
Value |
Attribute type |
Description |
Card. |
+ |
Group: Balancing_MarketDocument |
+ |
mRID |
ID_String |
The unique identification of the document being exchanged within a business process flow. |
[1..1] |
+ |
revisionNumber |
1 |
ESMPVersion_String |
The identification of the version that distinguishes one evolution of a document from another. |
[1..1] |
+ |
type |
A85 |
MessageKind_String |
The coded type of a document. The document type describes the principal characteristic of the document. NBM(MARI): A85 = imbalance prices |
[1..1] |
+ |
process.processType |
A16 |
ProcessKind_String |
The identification of the nature of process that the document addresses. NBM(MARI): A16 - Realised |
[1..1] |
+ |
sender_MarketParticipant.mRID |
10V1001C—00284N |
PartyID_String |
The identification of a party in the energy market. --- Document owner. |
[1..1] |
+ |
sender_MarketParticipant.marketRole.type |
A35 |
MarketRoleKind_String |
The identification of the role played by a market player. --- Document owner. --- The role associated with a MarketParticipant. NBM: A05 = Imbalance settlement responsible A04 = System operator A35 = MOL responsible |
[1..1] |
+ |
receiver_MarketParticipant.mRID |
PartyID_String |
The identification of a party in the energy market. --- Document recipient NBM: EIC code. TSO/Common will be receiver. |
[1..1] |
+ |
receiver_MarketParticipant.marketRole.type |
A04/A5 |
MarketRoleKind_String |
The identification of the role played by a market player. --- Document recipient --- The role associated with a MarketParticipant. NBM: A05 = Imbalance settlement responsible A04 = System operator A35 = MOL responsibl |
[1..1] |
+ |
createdDateTime |
ESMP_DateTime |
The date and time of the creation of the document. |
[1..1] |
+ |
docStatus |
Action_Status |
The identification of the condition or position of the document with regard to its standing. |
[0..1] |
+ |
area_Domain.mRID |
AreaID_String |
The unique identification of the domain. --- The identification of the control area of the issuer. |
[0..1] |
+ |
allocationDecision_DateAndOrTime.dateTime |
DateTime |
Date and time as per ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ. --- Date and time when the decision on allocation was made |
[0..1] |
+ |
period.timeInterval |
15 / 60 min |
ESMP_DateTimeInterval |
The start and end date and time for a given interval. |
[1..1] |
++ |
Group: Reason |
Reason |
The Reason associated with the electronic document header providing different motivations for the creation of the document. |
[0..*] |
++ |
code |
ReasonCode_String |
The motivation of an act in coded form. |
[1..1] |
++ |
text |
ReasonText_String |
The textual explanation corresponding to the reason code. |
[0..1] |
++ |
Group: TimeSeries |
[] |
++ |
mRID |
ID_String |
A unique identification of the time series. |
[1..1] |
++ |
businessType |
A97 |
BusinessKind_String |
The identification of the nature of the time series. NBM(MARI): A97: manual frequency restoration reserve |
[1..1] |
++ |
acquiring_Domain.mRID |
AreaID_String |
The unique identification of the domain. --- The identification of the acquiring area. |
[0..1] |
++ |
connecting_Domain.mRID |
AreaID_String |
The unique identification of the domain. --- The identification of the connecting area |
[0..1] |
++ |
type_MarketAgreement.type |
CapacityContractKind_String |
The specification of the kind of the contract, e.g. long term, daily contract. --- The identification of the procurement time unit. |
[0..1] |
++ |
standard_MarketProduct.marketProductType |
A01 |
MarketProductKind_String |
The Type of product on a market view NBM(MARI): Used when the reported quantities refer to standard products: A01 = Standard product |
[1..1] |
++ |
original_MarketProduct.marketProductType |
MarketProductKind_String |
The Type of product on a market view |
[0..1] |
++ |
mktPSRType.psrType |
PsrType_String |
The coded type of a power system resource. --- The identification of the source type of the reserve. |
[0..1] |
++ |
flowDirection.direction |
DirectionKind_String |
The coded identification of the direction of energy flow. --- The flow direction associated with a TimeSeries for the balance reserve. |
[0..1] |
++ | |
CurrencyCode_String |
The identification of the formal code for a currency (ISO 4217). --- The currency associated with a TimeSeries. |
[1..1] |
++ | |
MeasurementUnitKind_String |
The identification of the formal code for a measurement unit (UN/ECE Recommendation 20). --- The unit of measure associated with the quantities in a TimeSeries. |
[0..1] |
++ | |
MeasurementUnitKind_String |
The identification of the formal code for a measurement unit (UN/ECE Recommendation 20). --- The unit of measure associated with the prices in a TimeSeries. |
[1..1] |
++ |
curveType |
A01 |
CurveType_String |
The identification of the coded representation of the type of curve being described. |
[1..1] |
++ |
cancelledTS |
ESMPBoolean_String |
An indicator stating that the TimeSeries, identified by the mRID, is cancelled as well as all the values sent in a previous version of the TimeSeries in a previous document. |
[0..1] |
++ |
auction.mRID |
ID_String |
The unique identification of the auction. In the ESMP context, the "model authority" is defined as an emitting company that provides an agreed identification unique within a business context such as capacity auction identification, market agreement identification, etc. Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is globally unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID for the mRID. It is strongly recommended to do this. For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements. --- The auction characteristics that are associated with a TimeSeries. |
[0..1] |
+++ |
Group: Series_Period |
[] |
+++ |
timeInterval |
15 / 60 min. |
ESMP_DateTimeInterval |
The start and end time of the period. |
[1..1] |
+++ |
resolution |
PT15M/PT60M |
Duration |
The definition of the number of units of time that compose an individual step within a period. NBM: PT15M/PT60M |
[1..1] |
++++ |
Group: Point |
[] |
++++ |
position |
Position_Integer |
A sequential value representing the relative position within a given time interval. |
[1..1] |
++++ |
quantity |
Decimal |
The principal quantity or the accepted offer quantity identified for a point. |
[0..1] |
++++ |
secondaryQuantity |
Decimal |
This information defines the activated quantity or the offered volume for a point. |
[0..1] |
++++ |
unavailable_Quantity.quantity |
Decimal |
The quantity value. The association role provides the information about what is expressed. --- The Quantity of balancing energy unavailable for the activation |
[0..1] |
++++ |
activation_Price.amount |
Amount_Decimal |
A number of monetary units specified in a unit of currency. --- The activation pricing information per quantity and interval. |
[0..1] |
++++ |
procurement_Price.amount |
Amount_Decimal |
A number of monetary units specified in a unit of currency. --- The procurement pricing information per quantity and interval. |
[0..1] |
++++ |
min_Price.amount |
Amount_Decimal |
A number of monetary units specified in a unit of currency. --- The minimum pricing information per quantity and interval. |
[0..1] |
++++ |
max_Price.amount |
Amount_Decimal |
A number of monetary units specified in a unit of currency. --- The maximum pricing information per quantity and interval |
[0..1] |
++++ |
imbalance_Price.amount |
Amount_Decimal |
A number of monetary units specified in a unit of currency. --- The imbalance pricing information per quantity and interval. |
[1..1] |
++++ |
imbalance_Price.category |
PriceCategory_String |
The category of a price to be used in a price calculation. Note: the price category is mutually agreed between system operators. --- The imbalance pricing information per quantity and interval. |
[0..1] |
++++ |
flowDirection.direction |
DirectionKind_String |
The coded identification of the direction of energy flow. --- The flow direction provides the indication if the reserve is activated upward or downward. |
[0..1] |
+++++ |
Group: Reason |
Reason |
The Reason information associated with a Point providing motivation information. |
[0..*] |
+++++ |
code |
ReasonCode_String |
The motivation of an act in coded form. |
[1..1] |
+++++ |
text |
ReasonText_String |
The textual explanation corresponding to the reason code. |
[0..1] |
+++++ |
Group: Financial_Price |
Financial_Price |
The price information associated with a given Point. This identifies the financial amount in relation to a specific direction associated with a transmission system operator for procuring, activating and settling balancing information. |
[0..*] |
+++++ |
amount |
Amount_Decimal |
A number of monetary units specified in a unit of currency. |
[1..1] |
+++++ |
direction |
PriceDirection_String |
The direction of a price payment (i.e. an impacted area system operator pays to internal market parties or inverse). This is to be used only in a document describing the financial situation. The code A01 is to be used for expenditure. The code A02 is to be used for income. |
[1..1] |
+++ |
Group: Reason |
Reason |
The reason information associated with a TimeSeries providing motivation information. |
[0..*] |
+++ |
code |
ReasonCode_String |
The motivation of an act in coded form. |
[1..1] |
+++ |
text |
ReasonText_String |
The textual explanation corresponding to the reason code. |
[0..1] |