Tolerance Band
Change Log
Ver | Changed by | Date | Changes |
0.1 |
Bent Atle Bjørtomt |
2024.05.29 |
First draft |
1 |
Bent Atle Bjørtomt |
2024.05.30 |
Release |
Tolerance band (TB) is a feature available in Nordic Libra, AOF for mFRR Activation Market, that allows the TSO to request the optimization algorithm for more needs than it strictly needs. This is in addition to the ordinary need and should be a value of between 5 – 10 MW. This gives the algorithm some flexibility to choose other bid, and reduce cases where the algorithm must select bids with high prices due to lack of divisible bids. This is done by TSO submitting an mFRRRequest with ordinary demand, and then submitting a flexible demmand of between 5-10 MW. It must cover the same periods and a flexible part of the need cannot be sent alone, but belong to a corresponding need/demand.
Business process
Inelastic demand – all demand shall be covered as long as there are available bids (and ATC)
Tolerance band – demand in addition to inelastic demand, must be in the same direction as the inelastic demand.
The inelastic demand will be satisfied first as long as there are available bids (and ATC). Tolerance band demand will be satisfied in full or partly, if it leads to a higher total "need matching surplus" than just satisfying the inelastic demand.
The need-matching surplus is the total surplus generated from need matchings. It is the sum of the need and the bid surpluses generated by the respective matched quantities.
mFRR request surplus is the product of the covered quantity with the difference between the "mFRR request price" and the market clearing price. Bid surplus is the product of the accepted quantity with the difference between the bid price and the clearing price.
Tolerance bands is not netted (matched to other tolerance band or demand). Tolerance band is only matched against bids.
Requirements | Description |
BR-mFRR-TB-1.0 |
Tolerance band – demand in addition to inelastic demand/need, must be in the same direction as the inelastic demand. |
BR-mFRR-TB-1.1 |
If used, tolerance band should be between 5 and 10 MW. |
BR-mFRR-TB-1.2 |
The tolerance band shall be an addition to the calculated mFRR Request |
BR-mFRR-TB-1.3 |
Make sure that sanity check accepts tolerance band deviation |
Messages used in this Process
Message Definitions
Tolerance band has B90 as business type, to be use in addition and optional to need /demand and business type B75.
If Tolerance band is used, it must be used in conjunction with B75 need/demand.
Message definitions and document versions.
Dataobject | Document |
ReserveBid_MarketDocument |