Status Information
Status information should be exchanged between TSOs to prevent and handle incidents.
The status exchange is important part of having a common understanding of synchronous area situation for operators at all TSOs.
The status exchange shall warn/inform operators that there is a non-normal situation in a control area.
The status exchange should have a severity indication when something occurs, and an indication when situation is back to normal.
Business process
TSOs must be able to electronically receive/exchange status from other TSOs.
With the following diagram, we try to show that the following sequences are allowed:
Draft |
The status message has a field marketObjectStatus.status, which is associated with the severity indicator in the "Entry Criteria" document.
Following codes should be used and associated to these NBM values:
Code |
NBM local association* |
Z01 |
Yellow |
Z02 |
Red |
Z03 |
Reset to normal |
*Codes differs NMEG codes, but was made for same purpose.
A status message can start as a "Yellow".
A Status Message can start as a "Red" message or be changed from a "yellow" to a "Red".
A status message must be ended with a "Reset to normal".
Status is valid from a given validityStart_DateAndOrTime.dateTime.
Provisionally no usage of validityEnd_DateAndOrTime.dateTime.
//Various usage of Severity for ACE OL and same Bidding Zone
<affected_Domain.mRID codingScheme="A01">10YNO-1--------2</affected_Domain.mRID>
<!--NBM: Z01 = Yellow(Warning) Z02 = Red(Emergency) Z03 = Normal(return to normal)-->
<mainCategory_Reason.text>Data quality or IT malfunction</mainCategory_Reason.text>
<subCategory_Reason.text>ACE OL</subCategory_Reason.text>
<affected_Domain.mRID codingScheme="A01">10YNO-1--------2</affected_Domain.mRID>
<!--NBM: Z01 = Yellow(Warning) Z02 = Red(Emergency) Z03 = Normal(return to normal)-->
<mainCategory_Reason.text>Data quality or IT malfunction</mainCategory_Reason.text>
<subCategory_Reason.text>ACE OL</subCategory_Reason.text>
<affected_Domain.mRID codingScheme="A01">10YNO-1--------2</affected_Domain.mRID>
<!--NBM: Z01 = Yellow(Warning) Z02 = Red(Emergency) Z03 = Normal(return to normal)-->
<mainCategory_Reason.text>Data quality or IT malfunction</mainCategory_Reason.text>
<subCategory_Reason.text>ACE OL</subCategory_Reason.text>
Each TSO is responsible to finalize the status process with a "Reset to normal". |
Time frame
The time frame to which the message applies is given by these two attributes, validityStart_DateAndOrTime and validityEnd_DateAndOrTime.+
Following attribute must be used validityStart_DateAndOrTime.dateTime.
Following attribute can be used validityEnd_DateAndOrTime.dateTime.
Attribute validityEnd_DateAndOrTime.dateTime should be set when status change.
Message Definitions
Message definitions and document versions
Dataobject | Document | Schema version |
Status_MarketDocument |
1.1 |
Requirements | Message Object | Sending frequency | Resolution | Period | Area | Comments |
BR-SIR-1 |
Event |
PT1M |
1 Min-10 days |
Bidding Zone |
Must be provided if some system is halting or not work in accordance to entry criteria. |
BR-SIR-2 |
Status information
Producer | TSO |
Criterion: Timeliness |
Event based. Sent immediately when triggered (either from automated process at TSO or as a result from operator action). |
Criterion: Accuracy |
According to specification in chapter 7. |
Criterion: Precision |
n/a |
Criterion: Availability |
n/a |
Criterion: Completeness |
A yellow or red status message shall always be updated with green status message when situation is back to normal |
Criterion: Credibility |
n/a |
See also chapter 7, ref: Status info to be exchanged.
Document types, message types, process types and business types
MessageObject | Document | Schema | Message type | Definition | Process type | Definition | Business type | Definition | Comments |
NBM StatusMarketDocument |
Status_MarketDocument |
A34 |
A34 Escalation document |
A47 |
Manual frequency restoration reserve |
- Not in use - |
Code list
To be used with the StatusMessage.
Draft |
Status information codes
NBM Specific reason codes to be used for Status information message.
StatusMessage codes |
mainCategory_Reason |
051 |
Data quality or IT malfunction |
mainCategory_Reason.code |
052 |
Incident affecting balancing |
mainCategory_Reason.code |
053 |
Incident in grid |
mainCategory_Reason.code |
054 |
System state |
mainCategory_Reason.code |
055 |
General info |
mainCategory_Reason.code |
.. |
.. |
.. |
mainCategory_Reason.code |
subCategory_Reason.code |
Used in combination with mainCategory_Reason |
Status description |
100 |
Data quality or IT malfunction |
Yellow: Output from the function is still used in the automatic process, but there is a risk that the output data does not have the normal quality. (TSO balancing operator need to closely monitor.) |
101 |
Imbalance forecast |
102 |
mFRR request |
103 |
104 |
Bid mgmt, incl filtering |
105 |
Proactive congestion mgmt |
106 |
Common bid selection |
Yellow: First QH where result is suspended due to Missing result for at least one TSO or Nordic Libra send specific problem statement documents to all TSOs. |
107 |
Local bid selection |
Yellow: TSO use manual bid selection when performing local balancing bid selection. |
108 |
TSO-TSO data exchange |
Yellow: Unstable TSO-TSO communication with message delay between <1 and 5 minutes>. |
109 |
Bid selection sanity check |
110 |
Electronic order activation |
Yellow: Electronic ordering is malfunctioning for up to <20%> of ordered volumes. Given ordered volume is higher than certain threshold. |
111 |
Health check communication |
Yellow: Health check is malfunctioning for up to <20%> of offered volumes. |
112 |
Reactive congestion mgmt |
Red: TSO must manually activate specific bids and/or manually make bid unavailable, in situation where automatic solutions is used in normal situation. |
113 |
Receive measurements from scada |
Yellow: Secondary source is used. OR estimated values are used. OR values are not updated as expected. |
114 |
State estimation from scada |
subCategory_Reason.code |
115 |
Fully manual fall-back |
Yellow: <not in use?> |
116 |
Malfunction in HVDC planning tool |
Yellow: Output from the function is still used in the automatic process, but there is a risk that the output data does not have the normal quality. (TSO balancing operator need to closely monitor.) |
117 |
<free space> |
<free space> |
<free space> |
200 |
aFRR is not available |
Incident affecting balancing |
Yellow: At least <20%> of aFRR volume seems to be unavailable (connecting TSO). |
201 |
Consumption uncoupling |
Yellow: When prepared for consumption uncoupling (load shedding) |
202 |
Consumption recoupling |
203 |
Low mFRR bid volume compared to mFRR demand |
Yellow: <low volume in future QHs …> |
300 |
Loss of HVDC |
Incident in grid |
Yellow: Outage of that require countertrade/mFRR request adjustment between <x MW> and <y MW>. |
301 |
Major production outage |
302 |
Major consumption outage |
303 |
Major line trips |
304 |
Other critical grid situation |
305 |
"TSO in ""island mode""" |
Yellow: One or more island. Limited consequence for balancing operator. |
306 |
Extreme weather conditions |
Yellow: Expects limited consequence for balancing operator. |
307 |
Alert: Reserve situation |
According to TSO interpretation of System Operation Guideline(SOGL) (Relevant) |
400 |
Alert: Frequency |
System state |
According to TSO interpretation of System Operation Guideline(SOGL) (Scada) |
401 |
Alert: Violation of operational security limits |
402 |
Emergency: Violation of operational security limits |
403 |
Emergency: Frequency |
404 |
Emergency: Activated measure in defence plan |
405 |
Emergency: Failure in tools, means and facilities |
According to TSO interpretation of System Operation Guideline(SOGL) (Not relevant) |
406 |
Blackout: Loss of demand |
According to TSO interpretation of System Operation Guideline(SOGL) (Scada) |
407 |
Blackout: Absence of voltage |
408 |
Restoration: Activated measures of restoration plan. |
409 |
Normal |
According to TSO interpretation of System Operation Guideline(SOGL) |
500 |
.. |
General info |
Up to operator |
Quality flag
Some data exchanges support the quality attribute in conjunction with a quantity usually. These codes are based on standard enum types given by Entsoe. NBM has added description to fit the purpose.
Quality flag is associated to schemas that support the Quality attribute.
Colors used in the rightmost column are linked to Status message, and must not be mixed with quality attribute. It is connected a reason code which is explained here, Status Information, and indicate a kind of severity of a service.
Code | Label(Entsoe) | Comment DQCA | ACE OL | Imbalance forecast | Severity Color Used in StatusInfo data exchange |
A01 |
Adjusted |
Manual values. Can be used by recipients |
N/A |
Manually replaced by the operator |
A02 |
Not available |
Bad data, Missing data. Shall not be used in automatic systems |
Bad data or no values. If the calculation stops , or critical input data are missing. Should not be presented to operators |
Bad data or no values. If the calculation stops , or critical input data are missing. Should not be presented to operators |
A03 |
Estimated |
Estimated values or replacement values. |
ACE OL that can be used, but where some input data are replaced. Non-critical input data are insecure. (Non-critical data is data that can lead to <25MW error in ACE OL) |
A forecast that shall be used by the systems, but can be based on limited input values, or replacement values for some input values. |
A04 |
As provided |
Normal. Good values |
Correct and complete ACE OL. All available input values provided or calculated as normal. |
Normal forecast with all available input data |
Reset to normal |
A05 |
Incomplete |
Values that are insecure. Should not be directly used by the recipients. Can be shown, but not without clearly showing that it is invalid. If calculations are missing important input data that have no reasonable replacement values. |
ACE OL is calculated but result can not be guaranteed. The data is based on insecure input data or som less significant input data is missing. |
A forecast that cannot be trusted. Important input values are missing or uncertain, and are not replaced with reasonable input values |