Planning Table


Planning table is the system operator tool to monitor, and is an important input to carry out preventive measures.

It should provide an overall situation, planned Consumption, planned production or forecasted production of wind and Total Planned Flow.

It is a replacement of a possible missing Imbalance forecast, and the possibility to manually override.

Business process

Use case

Use case 1: System operator can execute preventive measures if missing imbalance forecast.

Use case 2: System operator can monitor received data.

use case planning table

Functional View

Functional view of planning table. System operator can monitor core values and if needed they can e.g. override mFRR Request sent to AOF.

functional view planning table

Sequence diagram

Following data exchanges are needed to fulfill Planning table. These data exchanges are already provide for other business functions.

seq planning table
What is included Production Forecast shall not be included in the Production Plan.


Entry Criteria

For Planning Table Data

Consumption forecast per bidding area
Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Sent periodically every 15 minutes with values for at least 5 hours ahead with a resolution at 5 or 15 minutes.

Criterion: Accuracy

No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision between 1 MW and 10 MW (up to TSO).

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility

Weekly post analyses show that data are without spikes due to data quality. TSOs should analyze forecast quality in local solutions.

Production plans per bidding area
Producer TSO

Criterion: Timeliness

Sent periodically every 15 minutes with values for at least 5 hours ahead with a resolution at 5 or 15 minutes.

Criterion: Accuracy

Data shall be as provided from original source. No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

n/a (according to market design).

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility


Production forecast for wind, (run-of-river and solar) per bidding area
Criterion: Timeliness Sent periodically every 15 minutes with values for at least 5 hours ahead with a resolution at 5 or 15 minutes.

Criterion: Accuracy

No quantitative requirement.

Criterion: Precision

According to market design.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility

Weekly post analyses show that data are without spikes due to data quality. TSOs should analyze forecast quality in local solutions.

Planned exchange per bidding zone connection/border
Criterion: Timeliness Event based. Sent less than 5 minutes after TSO received updated data for energy exchange but not more often than each 1 minute.

Criterion: Accuracy

Covered by criteria Completeness and Credibility.

Criterion: Precision

Values shall have precision of 1 MW.

Criterion: Availability

Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week.

Criterion: Completeness

Post analyses shows that data exist for all 1 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week.

Criterion: Credibility

Weekly post analyses show that data are without spikes due to data quality.

System Operator View

This is an example on how the view for the operator looks.

planning table view

Messages used in this Process

Message Definitions

Message definitions and document versions

Dataobject Document Schema version

Plan Production TSO



Forecast Total Consumption



Production Forecast TSO



Total Planned Flow-TSO

