mFRR Rest Imbalance Forecast
Change Log
Ver | Changed by | Date | Changes |
0.1 - Draft |
Bent Atle Bjørtomt |
2021.10.14 |
Draft version.. |
0.2 - Draft |
Bent Atle Bjørtomt |
2022.05.18 |
Updated mFRR Rest Imbalance Forecast. |
This is a Draft. |
Rest Imbalance, is the rest imbalance forecast as it is stated in the satisfied balancing demand for scheduled activiation, direct activiation and non-standard product. In other words, we can calculate the actual residual imbalance that must be handled by other reserves such as aFRR and FCR, as well as any consequences of frequency. It will also provide operators with data for concept analysis and other information purposes.
Business process
Following application model shows how the business process is realised.
This suggestion, includes 2 functions which is done locally by the TSOs, and may already be supported by the TSO in a similar or different way.
The important part is that it result in a Data Object as described for Satisfied-mFRR-Request.
Business Object
The business object will be realised by these data objects.
It is the Rest Imbalance Forecast that is going to be exchanged between the TSOs.
Data dependency
These views can also indicate some quality issues, but mainly dependencies between them.
Rest Imbalance Forecast
This is a subprocess provided by common platform, and needs these two inputs to support creating mFRR Rest Imbalance Forecast it needs
Possible business type: A19 Balance energy deviation
Satisfied mFRR Request
For the Common platform to be able to calculate mFFR Rest Imbalance, it is dependent of both Imbalance Forecast (Described in ACE OL BRS) and Satisfied mFRR Request mFRRThis is our main DataObject to be exchanged between TSOs and FiftyOne.
The MOL, Merit Order List, contain demands (Message Type B23 = Offers to be activated (activated bids and all demands)) and marketObjectStatus.status A10 (Ordered) and A33 (not satisfied (i.e. The demand cannot be satisfied by the common platform)).
Satisfied mFRR Request:
Generic requirements:
Schema: ReserveBid_MarketDocument.
Message Type: B21 - Need
Process : A47 - mFRR
BusinessType: Z13 - Balance regulation activations - Activations of tertiary reserves in the Balance regulation market
Quantity : Volume
Domain: BiddingZone
AuctionRunId: Optional need to Identify a certain process that ordered a mFRR reserve: Reason code: Z57 with AuctionRunID.
Need support to trace what kind of activation was used, it can be supported by using AuctionRunID, or we can use attribute standard_MarketProduct.marketProductType??
Short term definition:
Rest imbalance : In other words Rest Imbalance Forecast, is the sum of selected bids subtracted the total demands (mFRR Request).
Requirements | Message | Sending frequency | Resolution | Period | Area | Comments |
BR-mFRR-Rest-Imbalance-Forecast-0 |
mFRR Rest Imbalance Forecast |
event based on Imbalance Forecast |
5 Minutes |
Follow Imbalance Forecast (Up to 2 Hours) |
Bidding Zones |
BR-mFRR-Rest-Imbalance-Forecast-1 |
Satisfied mFRR request |
event based |
1 Minute |
1 MTU (Current) |
Bidding Zones |
BR-mFRR-Rest-Imbalance-Forecast-2 |
Satisfied mFRR request |
- |
- |
Messages used in this Process
This message is going to be consumed by FiftyOne, and is a forecast of what is going to be handled by FCR and aFRR. It is not an input for any FRR or aFRR processes since this is automatic processes.
In other words this is an imbalance of MW in a Bidding Zone( but can also be a subject for such as Control Area and Synchronous area) for a period in future (within current MTU?).
With this in mind, the model can be realised with both ACEOL_MarketDocument or the ReserveBid_MarketDocument.
Details such as schedule-,direct-, non-standard- Activation can be solved by using a reason code, Z57 and add AuctionRunId see BRS Price Calc. It is not confirmed that this is needed yet.