Process for use of CMOL
There is a common agreement on the use of messages, schemas, to solve the information needs of CMOL in the NBM group. There are still codes and values that need to be adapted as there are more consumers who have not yet identified all their needs. |
Change Log
Ver | Changed by | Date | Changes |
1.0 |
Bent Atle Bjørtomt |
2021.03.28 |
Changed according to feedback 2021.03.26.
Common merit order list, CMOL, is a list of information to be used for operators and other processes. CMOLs intentions is to evaluate the reserve situation. Do we have enough bids to cover the expected imbalance. This gives the operator more control over the current situation.
Exchange data and present CMOL.
Definition | Description | NBM Comments |
Exchange data and present CMOL Bids |
The information we need could be considered to consist of two parts Bids:
Requirements | Message | Sending frequency | Resolution | Period | Area | Comments |
BR-CMOL-1.0 |
D-1, |
15 min |
D-1 |
Bidding Zone. |
BR-CMOL-1.1 |
Event triggered |
15 min |
Changes |
Bidding Zone. |
BR-CMOL-1.2 [1] |
Hourly |
15 min |
Bidding Zone. |
BR-CMOL-1.3 |
BR-CMOL-1.4 |
BR-CMOL-1.5 |
BR-CMOL-1.6 |
BR-CMOL-1.7 |
BR-CMOL-1.8 |
BR-CMOL-1.9 |
BR-CMOL-1.10 |
BR-CMOL-1.11 |
Activations |
BR-CMOL-2.0 |
mFRR Activation? 'CMOL Activations' |
Each hour. |
1 min |
T-1H, T-0, T+1H. |
Bidding Zone. |
BR-CMOL-2.1 |
mFRR Activation? 'CMOL Activations' |
Event based. |
1 min |
changes |
Bidding Zone. |
BR-CMOL-2.2 |
BR-CMOL-2.3 |
BR-CMOL-2.4 |
[1] Not yet determined if necessary.
Use Case
The business object CMOL can be used for different purposes. Main reason for CMOL is to provide System Operators with enough information to control and verify system status, but also to perform corrective procedures as necessary. CMOL may have other purposes such as being a data source for calculating prices and Fallback solution.
Use Case 1: Calculate Prices
Pricecalculation module, "PriceCalc":
A complete process and needs for price calculations will be described in a PriceCalc business requirement specifications document. This describes only the parts of CMOL that are exchanged and shared with other processes. |
PriceCalc will need information about selected bid (activation) volume, whether it was selected SA(Scheduled Activation) or DA (Direct Activation) or Period Shift, if it was selected by a local or the AOF process and in which auction (or when) it was selected.
Use Case 2: Evaluate the reserve situation
FiftyOne module, for Operators:
The Operator needs to see, how many MW there are available for next SA or DA in a Bidding Zone, and how many MW is selected for SA/DA in each Bidding Zone.
Operator does not need to see whether bid is in selected, ordered or activated state by BSP, only need to know that it cannot be selected in next DA process because it is already used and possibly purpose of unavailability (congestion, system regulation as remedial action or balancing activation). Operator does not need to see whether a bid is unavailable because of conditional link, either only need to see the bid as unavailable or does not see the bid.
As given by the Use Case section, CMOL will be data source for System Operators, PriceCalculation and to serve a Fallback situation.
Business and Information Objects
CMOL - Common merit order list : Bids with all attributes, activation- and availability status.
Functional view
CMOL, Common Merit Order list, is the business object which consist of two data objects, mFRR Activation and mFRR Bid. These two data object are realised as artifacts, mFRR Bid TSO and mFRR Activation TSO.
Update and Cancelling
Draft |
To update or cancel time series previously sent, a new document is sent with the following information:
A new unique document mRID (document identification)
Fixed revision number (always equal to '1')
A newer created date-time than the previously sent document
For mFRR Bid TSO and mFRR Activation TSO updates are done by sending the affected time series with new data. Cancellation of time series is done by sending value 0 for quantity.
To ensure update of the correct time series, the bid identification of the original time series must be used.
To update bids for upcoming MTUs only the updated bids should be sent in a new bid message. There is no need to resend unchanged bids.
Individual bids and a collection of bids can be sent in one or several data exchanges. Update of bids and activation for future MTUs can be done in one or several data exchanges.
Several ENTSOE documents have been considered used for CMOL and especially several options for Activation. We have listed schemas that have been up for discussion, crossed the documents that we have chosen are being used for CMOL.
Message | Document/Schema | Part of CMOL | Reason | Pros | Cons |
ReserveBid_MarketDocument |
Probably most of the attributes is necessary |
mFRR Activation |
Activation_MarketDocument |
Direct connection to a ReserveBid_MarketDocument within its TimeSeries. Possible to differ between type of activation. Includes order_MarketDocument.mRID which refer to a certain regulation. Activation Market document solve handling single/individual bid activation. For aggregation purpose without further use of other messages, then this could be enough to send this and let internal system aggregate per bidding zone if needed. Support 1 min, 5 min, 15 min including Reason code on point values if needed for System/Balance. |
• Complete information needed for different purposes. |
• Missing MarketAgreemetId, which is used to identify RunId for an Auction. Resolved by using ReasonCode. |
MeritOrderList_MarketDocument |
One MOL each ReserveBid_MarketDocument. It contains only bid-reference with its status, not details as start and end time. |
• Received from AOF, so support for consuming this is needed anyway. |
• MARI implementation use BidTimePeriod as activation period. |
Activated mFRR |
PlannedResourceSchedule_MarketDocument |
Aggregated values, not connected to ReserveBid_MarketDocument. |
HistoricalActivation_MarketDocument |
Similar to activation, except for it is dependent of OriginalActivation_MarketDocument |
ReserveAllocationResult_MarketDocument |
• Similar document may be provided for BSPs, reporting after the fact. |
• Missing Status |