Calculating Common Nordic ACE OL
Change Log
Ver | Changed by | Date | Changes |
0.1 |
Bent Atle Bjørtomt |
2022.08.30 |
Draft version created. |
0.2 |
Bent Atle Bjørtomt |
2022.12.14 |
This is a draft for Common Nordic ACE OL. |
ACE OL for synchronous area is used to control the sum of all ACE OL per bidding zone.
Errors on ACE OL, or a divergent imbalance between the synchronous range and the sum of the bidding zones will affect the imbalance forecast and mFRR Needs.
In case of deviations, preventive measures must be carried out as quickly as possible to prevent subsequent errors.
Business process
<Business Object realised by a Data/MessageObject.>
Data object
Som description around Data objects used to Calculating Common Nordic ACE OL, and why some Data objects are absent(according to ord.ACE OL).
Measured frequency is only needed from one TSO, and is going to be used with FCR Plan which all TSOs must provide.
Measured flow is not needed, because this is for the whole Nordic Synchronous Area and not possible to measure over a corridor.
Activated aFRR Point Values is a new Data Object needed to realize high frequent data exchange each 10 second. The Data exchange is based on a new schema ActivatedReserves_MarketDocument.
Planned flow mFRR TSO contain among others mFRR regulation from DK1.
Requirements | Message | Sending frequency | Resolution | Period | Area | Comments |
BR-NordicAce-1.0 |
Measured frequencey TSO' |
Each 10 sec. |
10 sec. |
Point value |
Nordic Synchronous Area |
BR-NordicAce-1.1 |
Activated aFRR Point Values |
Each 10 sec. |
10 sec. |
Point Value |
For all Bidding Zones in Nordic Synchronous Areas. |
See BR-NordicAce-1.1 |
BR-NordicAce-1.2 |
Plan FCR TSO….' |
15 min |
Sent periodically every day before 22:00 D-1. |
For all Bidding Zones in Nordic Synchronous Areas. |
For Synchronous Area ACE OL for situational awareness
FCR plan (to calculate FCR regulations)
Producer | TSO |
Criterion: Timeliness |
Event based and periodic. Sent periodically every day before 22:00 D-1. Event based if updated. Not more often than each 1 min. |
Criterion: Accuracy |
Data shall be as provided from original source. No quantitative requirement. |
Criterion: Precision |
According to market design. |
Criterion: Availability |
Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of days in a year. |
Criterion: Completeness |
Post analyses shows that data exist for all 15 min values in reporting solution for 100% of QHs for previous week. |
Criterion: Credibility |
n/a |
mFRR activations with balancing purpose
Producer | TSO |
Criterion: Timeliness |
Event based and periodic. Sent periodically every 5 minutes. As soon as possible after activation, but not more often than each 1 min. |
Criterion: Accuracy |
No explicit requirement. |
Criterion: Precision |
Values shall have precision of 1 MW. |
Criterion: Availability |
Data sent at least each 5 min for 99,9% of time for each day. Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week. |
Criterion: Completeness |
Post analyses shows that data exist in reporting solution for all 1 min values where there has been activation for 100% of QHs for previous week. |
Criterion: Credibility |
n/a |
Exchanged mFRR regulation to DK1
Producer | TSO |
Criterion: Timeliness |
Event based and periodic. Sent periodically every 5 minutes. Not more often than each 1 min. |
Criterion: Accuracy |
Covered by criteria Completeness and Credibility. |
Criterion: Precision |
Values shall have precision of 1 MW. |
Criterion: Availability |
Data sent at least each 5 minutes for 99,9% of time for each day. Data sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week. |
Criterion: Completeness |
Post analyses shows that data exist in reporting solution for all 1 min values where there has been activation for 100% of QHs for previous week. |
Criterion: Credibility |
n/a |
aFRR activations
Producer | TSO |
Criterion: Timeliness |
Sent periodically every 10 seconds. Value no older than 10 seconds. |
Criterion: Accuracy |
No explicit requirement. |
Criterion: Precision |
Values shall have precision of 1 MW. |
Criterion: Availability |
Data sent at least each 10 seconds for 98% of time for each QH. Data delivered according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week. |
Criterion: Completeness |
Post analyses shows that data exist in reporting solution for all 1 min values where there has been activation for 100% of QHs for previous week. |
Criterion: Credibility |
n/a |
Sum of other balancing activation (that goes into local ACE OL calculation)
Producer | TSO |
Criterion: Timeliness |
Event based and periodic. Sent periodically every 5 minutes. Sent as soon as possible after activaton, but not more often than each 1 min. |
Criterion: Accuracy |
No quantitative requirement. |
Criterion: Precision |
Values shall have precision of 1 MW. |
Criterion: Availability |
Sent at least each 5 minutes for 99,9% of time for each day. Sent according to timeliness criteria 99% of QHs per week. |
Criterion: Completeness |
Post analyses shows that data exist in reporting solution for all 1 min values where there has been activation for 100% of QHs for previous week. |
Criterion: Credibility |
n/a |
Messages used in this Process
Measured Frequency :
To satisfy entry criteria these messages should be implemented:
Measured flow :
FCR plan (to calculate FCR regulations):
Plan FCR N TSO, Plan FCR D Up TSO, {message-plan-fcr-d-down-tsoc}
if FCR Plan is going to be calculated, the Measured frequency is needed : Measured Frequency TSO
mFRR activations with balancing purpose:
AggregatedActivations mFRR Balancing TSO -
Exchanged mFRR regulation to DK1:
inlcuded in as above AggregatedActivations mFRR Balancing TSO -
aFRR activations:
Activated activations aFRR Point Value for 10 seconds values